Corona virus Precaution is better than cure


    Coronavirus Precaution is better than cure  

            CORONAVIRUS-Govt of India Helpline Control No:011-23978046


Today, CORONAVIRUS is a big challenge for the whole world community.Whole world fighting against coronavirus. I am writing about  "How to prevent yourself from coronavirus infection" because precaution is better than cure.Corona virus spreading in community very fast.

Whole world is panic from corona virus,because  there is no vaccine for corona virus.Expert told that COVID-19 spreading 5 phase cycle is 40 days,hence take precaution for 40 days.

What is Corona

Corona is a disease created by coronavirus.Corona is also known as COVID-19 it damage respiratory system.It spread from infectious person to another person by droplets of mouth.It started from Wuhan city of China in December-2019.It spread in very large country in the world.It is dangerous for old senior citizens who is already patient of Heart or cardiology.Young people cure from this COVID-19 infection very quickly without medicine only by improving immune system and by taking precaution. 

Corona virus enter from 3 parts of body.

1.From mouth.

2.From nose

3.From eyes.


Always touch your eye,nose and mouth after washing your hands with antibacterial hand wash or soap. First sanitize your hand then touch your mouth,nose or eye. 

15 steps to Prevent coronavirus.

Follow these 15 steps to prevent coronavirus COVID-19.

1. Cover your mouth and nose from mask

2.Cover your eye from spectacles.

3.Wash your hands with antibacterial soap within 1 hour time interval frequently.

4.Do not hand shake with any person.Do not touch any people.

5. Sanitize your hand after washing the hand with sanitizer.

6.Always eat hot meal,hot lunch,hot dinner and take hot water.

7.Keep social distancing 3 feet from other persons so that there mouth droplets not touch to you.

8.Wash your clothes in hot water more than 80 degree Centigrade use antibacterial Dettol solution 5 drop in washing water.

9.Drink hot lemon water for improving immune system.

10.Do regular exercise for improving stamina.

11.If mask is not available for you then use medicated cotton buds in covering nose.

12.Daily take one teaspoon honey in the morning it is antibacterial and protect your lungs from coronavirus.

13.Always eat hygienic food well packaged food.Do not eat open items in market virus will be attached with these street foods.

14.Never touch the ground surface in public place coronavirus will be on the surface by spitting the people through mouth droplets.

15. Be alert always never share any food items with unknown persons,may be unknown person will be coronavirus infected and he is hiding from you, virus will be transmitted through mouth droplets of infected people to food and transmitted to you.

How to know coronavirus entered your body ?

Now if you feel symptoms like flu and suffering from the following:

1. Dry Cuff.

2. High Fever

3.Uneasy filling in breathing

then consult to doctor for coronavirus test.Senior citizens whose age is more than 60 years take more precaution stay at home and quarantine yourself in home.Do not move outside the home.
In many cases patient of corona virus cured by doctor, but there is not any official medicine for covid-19.
Use fire surrounding your home if possible, because all virus burn in fire and thus your home will be safe from corona virus.use bleaching powder make solution with water and wash surrounding your bed  3 feet distance. 

When you are outside the home then how to take precaution? 

1.Do not  hand shake with any person.

2.Do not touch hand railing of stairs or escalator. 

3.Do not touch lift buttons with bare hands.

4.Do not touch handle of door with bare hands.

5.Do not use public transport.

6.Do not use public toilet.

7.Do not use swimming pool for bathing.

8.Do not sit on public chair in park, bus stand, or railway station.

9.Do not stand in gathering of people keep social distance 3 feet.
  • Use disposable cup for tea,
  • Use disposable glass to drink cold drink and water.
  • Use disposable plate to eat.
  • Drop all disposable items in covered dustbin so that virus not spread from dust bean to other place or burn disposable items after use it and clean your hand instantly by antibacterial liquid hand wash or anti bacterial soap.Sanitize your hand and mask.
 So Take care "Precaution is better than Cure".

After all necessary precautions taken by you, if you feel that you are infected and suffering from coronavirus symptoms,then do not panic, go to home quarantine and call to National health center 24x7 hours:
Govt of India Control No:011-23978046
or Consult to local Doctor.

At last I request all the people worldwide do not hide your coronavirus infection , consult to doctor.Do not spread coronavirus infection to other community worldwide.Do not panic ,fight against coronavirus together worldwide and save the world community.

How to increase immunity system of our body
   Increase immunity system and develop antibody and protect  yourself from coronavirus.
  • We Can increase our immunity system of our body by consuming hot milk with turmeric and protect yourself from CORONAVIRUS.
  • You know that Gooseberry is enriched with vitamin C so take gooseberry juice daily.
  • Take Tea with ginger and black pepper it is also antibacterial and protect your body with COVID-19.
  • Do regular Yoga and exercise it will also increase antibody power and protect you with CORONA.  
  • Take hot water with lemon it also enriched with vitamin C and protect your body from CORONAVIRUS.

Vaccine development

I am glad to inform you that currently most country try to develop coronavirus vaccine,this is in trial period.Some experiments are successful in different phases.When coronavirus vaccine will be available in market then we will feel safe from COVID-19 disease.Till then Precaution is better than cure.

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I am sure we must win in fight against coronavirus.

           "God bless you and your family".


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