How to earn money by network marketing online


       How to earn money by network marketing online

I am writing about "How to earn money by network marketing online".Network marketing is one of the best option for passive income.Network marketing is a concept of marketing where one person create a leg chain by involving many people and profit of sale is distributed among all persons of leg chain group.

In this type of marketing you only sale your concept to customer and attached the customer with your  retail shop for which you are working as retail distributor.All the sale items provided by retail shop and your sales transaction also maintain by retail shop online. you only work like retail distributor.You can sale and purchase product online through website of company.

There are two concept of network marketing :

Step1- Sale the Product directly to customer.

Step2-Sale the Product by your leg chain group marketing persons.

You will receive the sale commission royalty for both type of sales,but royalty will be in different ratio.

Benefit of Network marketing :

1. When you are not working directly but your leg chain group selling the product then you will get benefit and receive the sale commission royalty.

2.There is not time bound work you can work 24x7 hours by your home.

3.Become your own Boss free from 9 to 5 job.

4.You can do network marketing as part time job.

5.If you achieve your sale target then your post will be upgrade and royalty will  increase.You will receive new post and new sale target and more benefits.

6.You can create unlimited leg chain group.

7.If you buy any product from company then you will get discount on all product items.


If you want to join network marketing then join any network marketing  company.Company will provide you sales training of product.Contact sales distributor for joining and learning Terms and Conditions.

Most useful website for network marketing:

Amway is an American company.It is American MNC network marketing company. Company branch and stores are in India in many states.Company sale its product through network marketing  by sales distributors.Company also provide training to sale distributor online and offline by organizing and conducting seminars. 
In India company office is Amway India:

RCM is also a large direct selling company with 10 million direct selling staffs.It is also best option for passive income. Join RCM with the following process

Step 1- Contact with RCM staff. 
Step 2-Join online by RCM Website upload Bank Account Number and Branch IFSC Code.
Step 3-Upload AADHAR CARD Number,Name and address. 

Joining process of company is very simple follow these steps:

Step1: Open website of company and learn about start a business.

Step2: Call to sale distributor(ABO) and learn Registration process.

Step3: Fill the form online or offline for registration as Sales distributor through website or through Sales Distributor(ABO). Joining is free.

Step4: After joining company will give you ADS No.and password.

Step5: Sign In by using  registered mobile No. as Login Id: and password for new joining.

Step6: Now you can view all the products online of company and book order online.

Step7: Check your monthly sale transaction and sale commission online when you achieve the monthly sales target.Your sales commission will be transfer online on your account.

You can sale product online through website and offline through Amway distribution stores.

There are huge money and growth scope in network marketing .If your communication skill is very good and you have the knowledge and experience of using the product, then you can sale product very easily and you will  achieve high growth and success in network marketing.

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