Tech Questions

In this article, I am trying to answer your questions that you have asked me. these questions were so tricky and funny to explain I hope you like them I explained all of them in as simple language as much I can. So tell me in the comment section what do you think about it and do you like it or not.

Which company owns Adobe premiere pro, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and After effects?

If you are a hardcore Adobe fan and you had been used many video editing software, graphic design software and so on so you are also thinking that the most popular application is Premiere pro and Photoshop but who owns this famous software so the answer of the question is hidden in the name Adobe. The company called "Adobe inc" is an American multinational company. create computer software. 

Which company own photoshop, premiere pro, Lyric video editing, are mobile video editing apps safe for us - AND MORE

Which video editor should you use for lyric video editing?

There are so many video editors are available in the market, some of these used by professional but if you don't have good knowledge or experience with high-level video editors then you should use any basic video editor or mobile video editors like kine master or Camtasia. "adobe after effects" is best for lyric video or "adobe premiere pro" for windows, for mac users you can use "final cut pro".

Which company own photoshop, premiere pro, Lyric video editing, are mobile video editing apps safe for us - AND MORE

Are Video editing applications safe for use?

Most of the application safe if you download it from safe and authentic sources like the Google app store, apple store. sometimes some application is filled with viruses or spyware I will not recommend you to download any application from any third-party sources like any website listed on google which gives you applications free you just need to download its apk file.

Which company own photoshop, premiere pro, Lyric video editing, are mobile video editing apps safe for us - AND MORE

Five features of every video editing software.

There are thousands of video editor are available in the market and every video editor has there own capabilities some editors are lite and easy to use and some video editors are like so high grade and made for professional uses but some features every video editor have and every video editor should because these features are very critical and necessary.

  • Title - every video editor has a feature to add a text on the video
  • Cut - Cut is really important and it makes a video editor a video editor, every video is not perfect and have some unwanted clips "cut" feature gives you the access to remove those parts from the video.
  • Add multimedia - video editing is all about mixing different clips or multimedia in one footage or you can say a mixture of multi photos, video or title.
  • Voice over - most of the video editor has "voice over" feature it helps you to add you voice to the video in the pre-production or post-production
  • Render video in different format and screen ratio - if you are also wondering about to purchase a video editor so find a video editor who can render your video in different formats like - MP4, MP3, MKV, AVI, HD etc. and also in different aspect ratio like 16:9 and etc.

Which company own photoshop, premiere pro, Lyric video editing, are mobile video editing apps safe for us - AND MORE

Is Anti-virus really important for your computer?

I would say yes it's really important for your computer and if you are an employer and you carry some important document of your company related in your computer then you should have anti-virus or not any cheaper you should have an updated, well ranked and trusted anti-virus.
there are millions of viruses out there in the world of IT (information technology) all the viruses are not that same some want to delete your data and some want to steal, hey do you remember about a virus called "WannaCry" it's is a kind of ransomware it attacked millions of computer and locked their data and demand money, it completely locks the data and if you want reaccess you need to have a key and you can get that key from the hacker who made this. He demands money in the form of Bitcoin.

Now assume if you have some precious information and it locked in the computer the what you can't do anything now you have two options first pay the money to the hacker or reinstall the window, delete everything.

To prevent these things you should use an anti-virus but in some cases, I will say they you can ignore installing anti-viruses, Like if your computer is just for Gaming, watching movies or using some authentic websites like youtube, Facebook, Amazon etc. then it's not necessary to have an Anti-virus, take some precautions like not inserting stranger USB flash drive or don't surf malicious sites.

if you don't have a high specification computer then install an anti-virus scan your computer check there is no error and then uninstall it. cause anti-viruses to consume a lot of space and resources it definitely slow down your computer.

Which company own photoshop, premiere pro, Lyric video editing, are mobile video editing apps safe for us - AND MORE

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