How To Get Approval From Google AdSense?
Blogging is the best way to make money through Google AdSense. Hence everyone wants to join Google AdSense earliest. I am writing about "How To Get Approval From Google AdSense ".
You will learn top most important Work To Do Before Applying For Google AdSense.
Google AdSense is a relatively very simple way to earn extra money with your writing skill and efforts. Nowadays joining to Google AdSense is not very easy. In early days joining was very easy but currently, it is not easy you should follow some guidelines of Google AdSense for Approval.
First, you write good content it will be a good reason for applying for Google AdSense and thus you can reap the benefit of Google AdSense offers. Here I will explain in detail about what Google AdSense offer and how to prepare your content before applying for Google AdSense. I will also explain how to get Approval from Google AdSense.
What is Google AdSense?
Google AdSense is one of the most established internet networks to offer Advertisement publishing. AdSense uses the Pay Per Click(PPC) method to pay money to the publisher of Advertisement they published on blog or website.
Today Google AdSense is most respectful in all advertisers because its policy varies simple, Pay money on timely, and transparent report analysis by using these report you can analysis of your progress. If your content is unique and you follow the policy of Google AdSense then it will pay better than any other similar service on the web. It is their very success that it is hard to join Google AdSense. At first, you check that everything right then applies for Google AdSense approval.
How to Avoid Getting Your Application Rejected?
You should do many things to avoid the rejection of your Application for approval. Here are just some main points-
Read Google Policies: Google posts many policies for blogs and website what Google want from your site. Read this policy very carefully to get approval from AdSense before writing the blog and make sure that your website follows the rules.
Have Good Content-Always write good content if your blog or website not unique and sufficient content, it will not be sure that the size of the content is approximately 1000 word and it should be looking professional format and there are no grammatical mistakes. It should be centre justified in proper format with good looking professional fonts.
Aesthetically Pleasing- Deep red or a yellow colour lot of distracting glitz will also stop your blog in acceptance for approval. Your blog should be solid design and attractive colour with a good look at and pleasing for visitors.
Post your Contact Information- If a visitor wants to know about you then they will read About us. Hence you must provide an "About Us" page in your blog. Contact page and the "About Us" page is necessary to be accepted by Google AdSense approval.
10 Ways To Increase Your Chances To when Applying For Google AdSense
1.Policy For Privacy- You must have Privacy Policy in your blog with this your blog not approved by Google AdSense. You will surprise that why it is necessary for your blog? The Policy itself describe rules and regulation to those who can visit and what can he see and what can he does and does not.
2.Contact Information-This is the place where you can write your email address so that if the visitor wants to contact you about any issue in your blog then readers can contact you directly through email address.
3.About us- This is necessary for your blog where you should write about yourself and tell people a little about your ambition for starting blog. This is sort of like an introductory page of your blog and it is very important for Google AdSense approval.
4.Email and Name verification-Write your correct email address and name in your "About Us" or "Contact Me" page so that it will help Google AdSense verify you quickly
5.Verify Age- When you apply for Google AdSense then write your name and date of Birth(DOB) correctly. This is mostly for underage person bellow 18 years then write the correct name and correct address you must to be truthful with Google AdSense otherwise your blog never be approved.
6.Appropriate Design- Choose blog design very carefully so that your blog or website should look attractive to visitors. It is not necessary to invest thousands of dollar only keep your blog neat and clean.
7.Have Plenty of Post-There is no minimum number of Post stated by Google for joining, but you show seriousness about your efforts and write minimum 100 posts and one post should be at least minimum 500 words in length before applying for Google AdSense. If your account is in Blogger then Google AdSense takes a minimum 6 months for review your blog and if your blog looks like a professional blog with proper format justify and good font of black color then Google AdSense approved your blog.
Note that Google AdSense show your blog to advertiser and if advertiser ready to place Ads in your blog or website then Google AdSense approved your blog and you will get approval mail for acceptance by you. When you accept to show Google AdSense Ads then Ads will show in your blog and your earning will start.
8.Remember the Rules- Do not write illegal items or do not insert illegal images in your blog. The following items are strictly prohibited by Google AdSense-
- No Politics- No political content accepted by Google AdSense. Not write these contents.
- No Criminal content- No criminal content accepted by Google AdSense. Not write these contents.
- No Pornography- No pornography content accepted by Google AdSense. Not write these contents.
- No Drugs- Not write about drugs. These content not accepted by Google AdSense. Not write these contents.
- Not less than 200 words-If your blog is less than 200-word length then it will not be accepted by Google AdSense.
9.Adds Value- You write such blog content so that your blog add some value in visitors life. Visitors want to like problem solver contents. So you write content as a guide for visitors where they can find the solution to there problems by your content true knowledge. These valuable content also impress Google as well.
What To Do Before Applying For Google AdSense?
1.Unique Domain- Select Blogger or .com domain name to succeed. The primary name should be sort and catchy and it is related to your area of interest and niche.
2.Unique Content-Your content should be original and unique. No plagiarism allows it is a violation of copy write.
3.Catchy keyword heading title-Select most popular catchy keyword title with high-value CPC and low traffic. Take help from some technical tools just like word stream or keyword finder etc.
4.Niche(Topic)- Select a favorite topic as per your experience and knowledge and write content related to your favorite topic (Niche).
5.Format drafting- Divide in a small paragraph when your content is long because visitor wants to read small paragraphs. Visitors not showing interest in long paragraph content. Select format justify for proper formatting of content and use black color medium size font, insert one image relevant to your content as a thumbnail image for your content.
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