How To Add a Customized Like and Share Button on Your website

Add a Customized Facebook Like and Share Button On your website

How to add Facebook Like and Share Button on

A few Blogspot templates come with a good plugin, but almost in 95% templates, we need to have add plugin manually.

Hi! In this post, I'm going to guide you step by step on how to add a Facebook Like and Share Button on a website. I'm not going to guide you on how to add a Facebook page plugin on a site. So, let's get started.

Facebook allows everyone who wants to use the social plugin, for their website. But in the past it was not so easy, a page runner had to hire a developer for coding. Recently, the Facebook team keep in mind their users, they launched a developer site for general people, who want to use their services. So, nowadays anyone can easily add their services on their site.

Why do you add the Like and Share button on your blog? 

If you add it, anyone can easily Like and Share your post on their Facebook. Also, people will see how many Liked and Shared done on your site.

Step by Step Guide On How To add Facebook Like and Share Button on a Website.

Step 1: Search on Google Customized Facebook Like Button For a Site, and you will see link. When you click on that link, you will redirect to the developer page. And, You will see Like Button Configurator. 

Step 2: Enter your Web URL and select button width. I recommend you, predesigned button because it's looks good. Anyway, if you want to customize the size, then you will go for it.

Step 3: Select Layout: such as Standard, box count, button count, or button it's based on your interest.

Step 4: Select Like Action Type you can also go for Recommend.

Step 5: Click on Get Code. You will show two different options for code, one is Java Script SDK and another is IFrame. I will recommend IFrame because it's easy to setup.

Step 6: Copy the generated code and go back to the blogger admin panel.

Step 7: Turn your screen mobile to the Desktop version and click on the layout section.

Step 8: Click on Add a Gadget where you want to place the button and add HTML/JavaScript Gadget.

Step 9: Paste your copied code on the Content section and click to save without a title. Now your Like and Share button added successfully. 

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