How to Create an XML Sitemap for blogger on and how do I submit it on Google Search Console

XML Sitemap Map | HTML Sitemap Generator online

What is the sitemap and why is it important ?

A sitemap is an index of your website in simple language but, it's not enough definition for a website! So, what? In technical terms, a sitemap helps Google, Bing or any search engine (bot)  to index your site in a better way as well as helps to your visitors. 

Importance of  sitemap for blogger or website

Imagine you are now standing in a big metro city and, you are trying to finding a tea shop. But, unfortunately, you are unable to find the tea shop. At that time, how will you feel in your mind? But if there exists a proper map for each location of the city, at that time you could find it easily. The same thing applies here for a website.

 If your website is too big and hasn't proper internal linking, as well as your site hasn't existed a sitemap, then any search engine (Google, Bing) faces trouble to crawl your site. When Google facing troubles its means that Google understands that in your site has no values for the user, this case is not only for Search engines but also for users. If they trouble face to find their exact needs and finally they will decide to leave your site and look for others. 

Are these issues Impact on SEO? Yes! When your site, unable to provide a better user experience at a time, your site slowly-slowly begins to disappear from google (Bing) crawler. Because nowadays, Google isn't only a search engine but also an answer engine. That's why Google always focuses on provides quality experiences for its users.

How a sitemap especially importance for Blogger (blogspot)

A sitemap very very important for Blogspot if your blog has more than 26 posts. Blogger has a by-default invisible site map with a limited number of posts so, it will be unable to manage more than 26 posts ( contain pages). So your need to make a sitemap for good SEO.

But if you are using WordPress, so don't worry. WordPress has a pretty plugin "Yoast SEO" for a sitemap generator. When you plugin Yoast SEO  in your site, it automatically generates an XML sitemap for you, and as well as it maintains your sitemap.

Different Types Of Sitemaps and it's uses

There are mainly two different types of sitemaps, XML, and HTML. 

An XML sitemap usually made for Search engines. It helpt to Google, Bing or, any other search engines systematically crawl to your websitesite.

HTML sitemap usually made for users. It helps your visitors to find their needs traditionally. When they are unable to find their needs, then they go to sitemap.

So, which one needed for me?

The answer is simple. Both are needs for you.

If I use both, is affect on SEO? No, only benefit.

So, how do I create an XML sitemap for my website or Blogger?

Don't worry! I am going to guide you step by step on how to make an XML sitemap and, also I will guide you for an HTML Site map.

A lot of sitemap generator web applications available on the internet, but I will recommend you for both XML Sitemap and HTML Sitemap.


Click "START" and wait until complete the crawling process.

XML Sitemap for Blogger blog

Click "View Sitemap Details"

Click "Download Your XML Sitemap" or

Submit Your Gmail Address and Click "Download All Sitemap in a ZIP file" (In this file included HTML sitemap).


Open Your File Explorer and Find Downloaded ZIP file and Extract it.

Select  any one file "XML SITEMAP" or "HTML SITEMAP" and Open with HTML File Viewer > Select All and Copy

How to submit a blogger Sitemap on Google webmaster

Open your blogger admin panel and create a new page > Give a Tile "Sitemap" 

And paste it on your Sitemap page (before paste, Make sure should be Compose mode, not in HTML Mode for HTML SITE MAP but, It Should be HTML mode for XML SITEMAP)

How do I create an HTML Sitemap

Click on "Layout" > Click "Main Menu Link List"

How do I add XML sitemap on

Write "Sitemap" on "New Site Name" dialogue box > Put Your Created sitemap page URL and paste it on "New Site URL" dialogue box > Click "Add link" > Click on "Save"

HTML Sitemap

Note: If you want to use both so, Remove these Link from the HTML site map. But if you use Only HTML so don't make any edit.

How do I Submit a sitemap on Google search console ( Google Webmaster) and on Bing webmaster?

Open Google Webmaster Tool ( Google Search Console )

How to submit a XML sitemap on Google Search Console

Click "Main Menu" > Click "Sitemaps"

How to add an HTML Sitemap on Google webmaster tool

Copy your Sitemap URL and Paste it on "Add a New Sitemap" dialogue box ( Make sure when you submit Your link Remove this part "https://" from your links )

Now your site map successfully added.

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