Basics of Adobe Photoshop (Complete Guide)

Hi, guys so this is the second part of my previous post where I taught about the basics of adobe photoshop if your reading this first and haven't read the previous post then I suggest you read "Adobe Photoshop Tutorial: The Basics for Beginners" it's the very wonderful and informative post so read properly now let's come back to the topic in this post I am gonna teach you the remaining part in the previous post I write about introduction of "Adobe photoshop" some things like how to start, undo option, selection tool, layers section and background. that was amazing and many concepts were cleared but the remaining tools and about the interface we are going to write today this post is really useful so pay attention and some time read this properly. it's better to do a tutorial with me it will be more good. so without wasting time let's get started.  

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Making a rectangle

Basics of Adobe premiere pro - Making shapes, text, effects pannel and more

So let's make some sort of shapes what do you think about a rectangle? for making a rectangle we're gonna use "Custom shape tool" you can see it on your left side and also on the picture click on it and now your tool is selected drag your mouse cursor to the image and click on the left mouse button and drag your cursor drag as much bigger rectangle you want and release your finger to the mouse button now you got a rectangle but still, it's transparent you can see the background through this you can just see it's edging we're gonna use colour tool or fil colour tool option and select your favourite colour. so if you guys want to move any object then select "selection tool" and drag your cursor to your object and hold your mouse pointer there and start moving it you can move it everywhere so if you want to move your object vertically then select "shift" and then it locked on only one position you can just move it to up or down. now you want to rotate it so use "ctrl+t" and now you can see a different arrow pointing left to down bring your cursor to the edges of the object and then you can rotate it. so I hope you liked this if you think that all the tips that I told you are good then leave a comment "good" in the comment section below.

Effects panel

Basics of Adobe premiere pro - Making shapes, text, effects pannel and more

making any shape is the first step but you need to add some effects like shadows it makes your design more interested or realistic. when a shape is as it before like when you created it feels like just a created object not like a real thing previously you have created a rectangle and you also add colour as you like but now we should add some effects like a shadow. make sure you have selected your rectangle or whatever it is really important because if you selected another layer then it can mess your image now you can see an effective option in the right-bottom of photoshop click on it and now a window open. it shows a bunch of options you should click on the last option "drop shadow" you can see a blank box on the left side of "drop shadow" check that box and now your options are unlocked. to increase shadow increases the size option you can see the size of the shadow is increasing I am not taking a huge shadow you can make it as you like also use the spread option.

stroke -

you can use the stroke option, by using this option some lines came at the edges of your object like if I chose the red colour and then increase the size then you can observe that a red colour boundary is increasing you can use this option if you like it. there are more several options are available there to make your design

How to remove background with photoshop, PowerPoint, online etc. - Read here
How to hack wifi password with a phone or pc? - Read here

Working with images

Basics of Adobe premiere pro - Making shapes, text, effects pannel and more

so if you want to import any image you can go to file and then place or file import option in place option your picture will be in the same pixel but in the import, option photoshop will automatically adjust pixels and fit the image in the image I will suggest you use import image option its more useful but if your working with a bunch of images then you can go with place option.


you guys know what I am talking about zoom means increase your picture size it can be very useful in some situations because when you make the selection of an object you need to use the zoom option because while using "zoom" you can increase the size of the picture it makes easier to make the selection of the object. you can see the image size option at the bottom of the image you also spot "100%" there change the values in that collum and you want.

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Working with text

Basics of Adobe premiere pro - Making shapes, text, effects pannel and more

Text is one of the most important elements in the image you can express your meaning of an image or your work if you added text in an image and it's quite easy if you work with text I mean you just follow a few steps and you will know a lot about the text so let's know how to use this beautiful option.

you can see the "T" icon on the left side of your window. when you click on it your mouse pointer automatically changes into a different style put your mouse cursor on the image where you want the text and now thin line came into the screen start typing what you want and at the upper section there are several options are present there. change your font size or style etc.

for more information watch this


So this is enough for today we have learned a lot and now it's time to practice these tools or tricks on your own computer because if you won't test by your self it makes complicated things I hope you like this article if you have any queries you can ask me without any hesitation and also leave a comment that what is your favourite part in this post. you can follow us on our social media platform to be updated on our latest blogs.

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