Wow! Google will generate new content iedea for your blog - Blogger New Update 2021

Did you find the Blogger Ideas panel on your Google Blogger blog?

Blogspot ideas panel

After writing lots of articles, do you get stuck looking for the next topic, or do you need the Idea Generator tool?

Thinking how to find a new topic

Do you know how to find a new content ieda without leaving your website?

Usually we don't have enough time to find a new topic which is why it becomes a challenging task to write a great article, and compete with our competitors. And Google realised that particular problem.

So now, you don't have to worry!

wow! I got a cool feature

Because Google has introduced its new feature as Ideas (suggested idea for your blog).

From this post, you will learn how to enable the Ideas option in Blogger blog, and I will share with you what are the benefits of using it.  So I don't to waste your precious time. Let's find out how to use it.

What is an Ideas Panel?

It is the best upcoming feature in the platform. Under this section you will get real time asked questions on the internet.

Currently it is in the BETA version not available for all but I hope this will be open for all ASAP.

In this section, Google shows you unanswered questions or recommended ideas for your blog to build value on readers.

Why is this important to you?

Google wants to provide readers with the right answers.  That's why they launched a BETA version of this feature. Still this update only for some selected people but it will work for all after releasing the final version.

This feature will be so important to you because you don't have to worry about finding new topics to write your article on.

After all, Google will automatically suggest the best content ideas for you based on your blog niche.  And it will help you increase your content.

It will increase your on-page SEO score and provide a real time performance to the searchers.

If you set a value for suggested queries, Google search results will probably show your post on the first page.

This new update will help you to keep your mind on your niche forever. And ultimately your site will be a perfect place for particular quarries.

How to enable, new Ideas option on your blogspot blog?

If you want to enable that great feature in your Blogspot blog, then you should have a niche based site.

You can't write a random article beyond the niche of your blog.

How to enable blogspot ideas panel

Open your Blog dashboard and click Settings.  Under the Posts section, if you have closed the Ideas panel, please turn it on.

How to use the Blogger Ideas panel to write  new content?

Blogspot ideas panel

Now on the dashboard sidebar will show you some unique suggested topics. From here choose your best one or combine two to three together and create an interactive post for your visitors.

If you see any questions where should be write a detailed information, then give detailed information. But if you find multiple similar questions, merge them into a single article.

Under each recommended questions you will see a Start post option, this is just a shortcut to create a new post, when you click on it, it will redirect you to the editor.


I have covered all importent aspects related to Blogger new update (upcoming ideas panel). I hope this detailed information was helpful for you.

Please let me know in the comment box, have you got this feature? And inform your friends about this amazing update by sharing this post.

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